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墨尔本大学建筑学院院长Thomas Kvan教授讲座通知


预告时间 地点

      受人居学院建筑系邀请,国际著名建筑学者、墨尔本大学建筑学院院长、校长助理Thomas Kvan教授将来我校交流访问并作学术报告。

主  题:Compact City and Sustainable City --- The Making of Hong Kong 
主讲人:Thomas Kvan教授 
时  间: 2012年10月24日(星期三)上午 10:00 
地  点: 曲江校区西一楼四层人居学院第一会议室

     The lecture, based on the recently published book The Making of Hong Kong: From Vertical to Volumetric, examines one of the most compact cities and sustainable cities in the world. Hong Kong’s irregular coastline and steep terrain has resulted in built-up areas that are compact, rich in spatial experience, close to hills and water and connected by an exceptional public transport system. 
    The lecture traces the evolution of Hong Kong’s intense urbanism from the region’s pre-colonial walled settlements and colonial shop-houses to the contemporary vertical and volumetric metropolis of towers, podia, decks, bridges, escalators and other components of multi-level living. On a site with an acute lack of flat land, Hong Kong is portrayed as an accidental pioneer of a new kind of urbanism – a city of multiple grounds that invites wider attention. 
    The talk adds to the current urban debate around high density compact cities and interconnected public transport systems as one means of reducing urban energy use and carbon emissions. The lecture explain why higher densities are vital for more than ecological reasons – including changing demographic structure, economic organisation and associated lifestyles.