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Sustainable Urban Development Technology and Strategy



Course Introduction:


Cities are important spatial places for human production and living activities. The environmental problems, energy consumption and cultural inheritance in cities have a direct impact on the quality of life of citizens and sustainable socio-economic developments. China's urbanization rate has exceeded 60% in 2019 and is expected to achieve 70% by 2030. Along with the rapid increase of urban population, the construction of new districts based on urban expansion and the renovation of old cities is attracting attention for urbanization. The spatial structural characteristics of both the inner city and the outer edge of the city are undergoing great changes, forming a trend of three-dimensional development in large cities. This requires the establishment of a multidimensional and refined analysis system of the built environment based on the city from the perspective of the whole life cycle, to achieve the sustainable urban development.


This program consists of eight thematic lectures, which will interpret the techniques and strategies of sustainable urban development from the perspectives of architectural design and urban planning management, integrating the fields of urban climate change, urban energy consumption assessment and management, low-carbon urban development based on green building design, and cultural heritage and preservation for sustainable development.


The team of instructors includes faculty from Canada, the United States, Japan, Singapore, and Italy, with a multidisciplinary background, to analyze the environmental, energy, and cultural issues in the process of urban development, and to provide technical and strategic support for sustainable urban development.


The course can provide undergraduate students with a broad perspective and popularize the basic knowledge of urban planning and management. This course provides social learners with ideas of services related to government administration, corporate production, and service industry practitioners, and contribute to business development related to urban development. This course provides professional researchers at graduate level and above with up-to-date research developments in the field of urban sustainability research and contribute to a comprehensive. It provides graduate students and professional researchers with the latest research developments in the field of sustainable urban research, and help them to understand the research methods in interdisciplinary fields.


Instructor Team:


Professor Yupeng Wang (Canada) is the Vice-Dean of the School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University. He is awarded the Shaanxi Province Hundred Talent Program (Youth), and working as the deputy director of Shaanxi Engineering Research Center. He is currently offering two courses taught in English at graduate level.

Akbari Hashem(美国)教授,具有近四十年的全英文授课经历。他曾于1983年在美国伯克利国家实验室组建热岛效应研究所,并担任20多年所长工作,并参与IPCC工作中为全球气候变化领域做出卓越学术贡献。2009年开始,任职于加拿大康考迪亚大学并组建了城市热岛研究组。

Professor Akbari Hashem (USA) has been teaching in English for nearly forty years. He founded the Heat Island Group in Berkeley National Laboratory in 1983, where he served as Director for more than 20 years and made outstanding academic contributions to the field of global climate change through his involvement in the IPCC, and has been at Concordia University, Canada, since 2009, where he founded the Urban Heat Island Research Group.


Dr. Kawano Masashi works at Nikken Sekkei Group, the largest architectural firm in Japan, and serves as a Director and executive officer of Nikken Sekkei Research Institute. Dr. Kawano graduated from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and has experience working for Tokyo Electric Power Co., Ltd. and has extensive practical experience and great international influence in zero-energy building design and environmental simulation and assessment.

YEO Sok Yee(新加坡)教授,西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)世界保护地委员会(WCPA)委员。

Professor YEO Sok Yee (Singapore), from the School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University, a Committee Member of the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Del Curto Davide(意大利),意大利米兰理工大学教授、米兰理工大学曼托瓦校区负责人,目前参与西安交大-米兰理工建筑学硕士双学位项目,并主讲全英文课程“Architectural Preservation Studio”。

Professor Del Curto Davide (Italy) from Politecnico di Milano is the Director of Politecnico di Milano Mantova Campus, is currently participating in the Xi'an Jiaotong University - Politecnico di Milano Master's Double Degree Program in Architecture, and lecturing in the course "Architectural Preservation Studio".


Course format:

  线上和线下相结合开展系列专题讲座,全英文授课 (腾讯会议)

Online and offline teaching. The lectures will be given in English.


Full attendance and passing the assessment will result in a Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) Certificate of Accreditation for relevant studies, which can be used as a certification for the recognition of international competence.




1. Deadline for Application: 2024.07.19


  2. Schedule for Courses: Separate announcement


Application Eligibility:


Bachelor or higher leveled students in Architecture and Urban Planning Management related disciplines worldwide are eligible to apply, and there is no fee for the program.


Method for Application:

  拟报名此课程的同学请点击报名链接(,填写个人信息并选择Sustainable Urban Development Technology and Strategy

To register for this course, please click on the registration link (, fill in your personal information and select "Sustainable Urban Development Technology and Strategy".


Scan the QR code below to add the Wechat group for more information about online lectures:


Contact Information:


       Yupeng Wang,