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荷兰特温特大学Alexey A. Voinov教授学术报告

日期:2016-11-28 点击数: 来源:
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荷兰特温特大学Alexey A. Voinov教授学术报告

报告题目:Guided coupling of models: from software to stakeholders

报告人:Prof. Voinov



报告人介绍:Alexey A. Voinov博士,现任荷兰特温特大学地理信息科学和地球观测学院教授,是时空系统模拟领域的世界著名科学家,多年来致力于生态系统建模与应用以及环境管理和决策支持研究。已发表100余篇学术论文并参与编写多本行业专著,论文被引次数超过1900次(H-index 22)。现任专业顶级刊物Environ. Model. Softw. 编辑,曾先后在美国环境保护局环境研究实验室、马里兰大学、弗吉尼亚理工、约翰霍普金斯大学等担任资深科学家或项目主管。 Prof. Voinov, a world-known scientist in the spatio-temporal systems modeling, is a senior scientist in the Institute of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, Netherlands. He is experienced in integrated modeling and management, watershed hydrology, water quality and quantity, systems analysis in ecology and economics, and decision support systems. He has published more than 100 papers and professional books, and his papers were cited more than 1900 times (H-index22). He also serves as the editor in the journal of Environ. Model. Softw. which is one of the top journals in the environmental science. He had worked as senior researcher and program director in the USEPA, University of Maryland, Virginia Tech and Johns Hopkins University.

上一篇:英国建筑科学研究院Silky YU女士学术报告
